onRobot A simple gripper library for UR robot with onRobot gripper, no onrobot compute box needed! Download here: https://pypi.org/project/onRobot/ 3D Printable NEMA-17 Harmonic-Reducer Open-sourced 3D printable Harmonic Reducer for a Nema 17 stepper motor, can easily be adapted to fit other Nema sizes. 6-dof Robotic Arm 6 dof Robot arm build from scratch, mechanical, electrical, hardware & software! Algorithms, Data-structures & design_patterns implementations of several algorithms, datastructures and design patterns for educational purposes only. C++ Tutorials Series C++ tutorial series and examples to learn from! Python Tutorial Series Python tutorial series and coding examles to learn from. cuda programming Series Cuda programming examples. Hoping to extend to complex parallelizable algorithms.